
What is the solution to the system of equations graphed below?y = --3/2x+2y = 5x + 28

Accepted Solution

Answer:(-4, 8) β†’ x = -4 and y = 8Step-by-step explanation:We only need two points to plot the graph of each equation.[tex]y=-\dfrac{3}{2}x+2\\\\for\ x=0\to y=-\dfrac{3}{2}(0)+2=0+2=2\to(0,\ 2)\\\\for\ x=2\to y=-\dfrac{3}{2}(2)+2=-3+2=-1\to(2,\ -1)\\\\y=5x+28\\\\for\ x=-4\to y=5(-4)+28=-20+28=8\to(-4,\ 8)\\\\for\ x=-6\to y=5(-6)+28=-30+28=-2\to(-6,\ -2)[/tex]Look at the picture.Read the coordinates of the intersection of the line (solution).